Tuesday 23 September 2014

Think before you speak.

Maya Angelou once said 

"At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”

That statement is very true.

Today as I sat in the cafeteria with some people from my floor, I had something said to me that hurt my feelings. I don't think it was said to be mean or anything but it was hurtful. Now don't get me wrong I have been picked on a lot over my elementary and high school years, but this was different. It came from someone I was starting to look up to. Someone who I wanted to like me. As I said before, I know this person didn't mean to say something hurtful but they did. I was told that I wasn't pretty enough or the right kind of pretty to be in the schools sorority.  Not once did I ever want to be in one but to be told I'm not pretty enough to be in one is just plain hurtful.  When I saw the movie Sydney White I 100% wanted to live with the nerds and not the sorority girls... Nerds for Life!! I think this person thought it was alright to tell me that because they as well got passed on for the sorority. But it's not okay, and it will never be okay to tell someone else they are not pretty. I started to wonder how insecure this person must be in their own skin to want to make me feel bad about myself. Luckily I have been brought up by some kick-ass people who taught me to believe in myself, no matter what. That God made me, therefore I am beautiful. I will never be able to thank my family enough for instilling these ways of thinking in me. In some ways I am glad this person said it to me, and not someone else. I am not one to care what others think of my appearance, but someone without that security in themselves could be crushed by this. Later tonight this person and a group of us were talking, the topic of going to clubs came up. Someone mentioned how girls bring the 'ugly friend' along to make themselves look better. THIS bothered me so much. How dare you call yourself someone's friend if you refer to them as ugly. NO. Real friends see you as the beautiful person you are. Anyways so the question asked was would you rather be the one bring the 'ugly friend' or be the 'ugly friend'. Everyone answered, including this person, the one bring the 'ugly friend'. My answer seemed to annoy this person. My answer was: I would rather be the 'ugly one'. That way I am not the kind of person who calls their friends ugly. I would not be the person who is so friggen insecure that they have to put someone who is beautiful inside and out down. GOD MADE US. WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL. WE ARE A CREATION OF HIS.  It's safe to say that my relationship and opinion of this person has been changed. 

This instance opened my eyes tonight. Not everyone is loving. Not everyone wants to be nice. Some people will try to bring you down to make themselves feel better. Not everyone was raised the way I was. Not everyone stays up at night worrying about how others have felt because of something I may have said. I watch what I say for that exact reason. How bad would I feel if I said something hurtful and that person was at the end of their line and what I said just pushed them. No. Words Matter. Choose them carefully.

On a happier note: My friend Kay must of had a feeling because right at the moment that I was told this, she sent me the cutest picture note and made the biggest smile come on my face. I love you so much Kay, you are the best friend a girl could as for. Thank you for everything!
Another happier note: I told my friend Maddy what had happened with said person and a couple hours later when I went to her room to return a sweater, she had made me a card. The card said the sweetest things and I can not thank her enough for it.

God gives you only what you can handle and he blesses you with friends that help you handle it. So thank you God for blessing my life with the people in it. And I pray for said person, I pray you find Christ again.

In the end I will forget what was said, what was done. But I will always remember how these people made me feel.

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