Tuesday 9 September 2014

I'm a Thunderwolf!!

So over the past week I started university! I am now officially a thunderwolf! I made the big trek up to Orillia and moved in to my dorm room. Up and down 7 flights of stairs with all my stuff! My wonderful parents helped me move in, it took a while but now its officially my room. I started orientation the next day and met so many cool people. It is such a weird thing, meeting new people, making new friends. The first few days everyone is giving each other the side eye, trying to figure each other out. During orientation we were busy constantly, which was probably a good thing! I went on a wonderful hike, played some games, did some scavenger hunts, and got decked out and went to a hockey game!

Our school absolutely had the most spirit but unfortunately lost! :(
After 4 long crazy days it was time for classes.
I learned a few things during my first few classes...
1. Profs will let you out early (every single class so far has been let out at least 30-45 min early)
2. The big lecture hall 1033 is freezing always.. so bring a sweater and sit on the left (that screens brighter)
3. Some profs will talk really really fast just to torture you
4.Some profs liked to be called Dr. others Prof, and others Linda
5. Even when you are paying thousands of dollars to be here, there will always be those kids who show up late and text and talk through the whole class (UGH don't sit near me you sucky people)
Now I probably have learned a few more things but that's a pretty good start! Something that made me so happy was since classes started I finally had time to set up my room...

 I'd say it's looking pretty good so far! I worked really hard on this wall and I absolutely love it!

So soon my first week of classes will be over and I will be into the full intensiveness of university (just today I forked out over $250 on books and that's cheap, one girl payed over $700 on books). I will being doing work all the time and have no life ( Tomorrow I have to read something like 70 pages -_-) So here goes the next five years of my life! Exciting, crazy, busy, hard, fun, and so much more... I hope its all these rolled into one!

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