Friday 22 August 2014

That One Thing

    Everyone has that one thing, that one thing that they would do if they didn't have to think about the consequences or the future. It could be getting piercings on your face, covering your body in tattoos, becoming a stripper for a night or two, eloping at 18, breaking the law, buying a plane ticket and just leaving, partying all through school, doing that one job you are always told you can't make a living at, doing something crazy with your hair, anything really. There are a bunch of things in this world that as young adults we think about doing. We all have that one thing that if we didn't have to worry about our futures or careers we would do in a heartbeat. 
     Just stop and ask someone, I bet they have a cool answer. I know being a 18 year old, just about to leave for university, I have a ton bouncing around in my head. I asked some of my friends what their one thing would be. These are some of their answers...

' I would travel, just drop everything and go meet new people'
' I would go buy a house in big sur on the ocean'
' I would get a bunch of tattoos, maybe sleeves or something'
' I would bring a piano to public places like the middle of walmart or a park and just play what I want, whenever I want'

I bet you are now wondering well Shania, you've told us examples and your friends one things but you haven't told us yours! Well I have a few... 

  • I would love to just pick up and go travel, not worry about money
  • Get a camper van and travel across Canada and America in it
  • I would also love to get my hair put into dreads
  • Be a saloon girl or a saloon keep like in those old west movies my grampie shows me... Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke is so cool (I mean who doesn't want to work in a place full of cute cowboys...)
  • And if you read one of my previous posts you know I wouldn't mind dancing on bars in a place like Coyote Ugly

   But just as you think 'yah I'll do it, I only live once!', you start to think about the aftermath. Like will this affect me getting a job? Will this affect me being taken seriously by others? Could I lose my job for this? (Because some jobs do not let you have facial piercings in) Will I make money this way? Will guys or girls not like me because of this? Will I run out of money? There are so many things to wonder about. I think about how I've always wanted to be a primary teacher. How I already know I'm going into a competitive field. How I know my friends and family wouldn't care if I had dreads or if I worked at night in some bar or saloon, but just cause the wonderful people I surround myself with won't care doesn't means others won't.  I am the first to admit I really don't care what people think of the way I dress or conduct my life, but as much as that's true I still have to think big picture. I have to remember one day I want to get a job in a school. The people interviewing me might not be as keen on dreads or tattoos or being a moonlight bar keep. I have to think about how someday I want to meet a guy and get married, and I want his family to like me! Yes I know people say well you're marrying the guy not his family and who cares if they disapprove of your life choices, or appearance. That is true to an extent, I am not one to change for anyone, but I am a huge family person and I want them to like me duh!! But that's thinking way in the future. Back to the big picture thing. I have had this dream of being a teacher since I was like 5 so I would like to do everything to get me there. I want to experience life and take risks but I don't want to do something stupid and get a criminal record. I want to party in university and have fun, but I don't want to mess away both mine and my parents hard earned money and all my hard work up until this point. 

So I don't think I'm the only 18 year old in the world that thinks about doing something crazy or drastic every now and again. I think it's all about dreaming of exploring everything the world has to offer. I can tell you I probably am more of an over thinker and worrier than most so I may need some crazy friend that gets me to take risks and go a little crazy sometimes. So who knows in a few years I could be posting on this very blog about how I just got some tattoo or danced on some bar or bought a camper van or bought a plane ticket out of no where. Who knows...... like I said I'm only 18, I've got quite the adventure ahead of me.

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