Monday 18 August 2014

Last Day

Tonight was my last night of work at Shoppers Drug Mart. I started working there last summer, my wonderful friend Amanda (top picture on the right) helped me get a job there and I can't thank her enough. I started working in the post office and soon worked front cash as well. Now just a little over a year later I am a supervisor and have worked every department in the store at some point. I cannot thank everyone I have worked with enough. If you want to meet some of the sweetest people in the world and work for the best people, go work at Shoppers in Brockville. I can't wait to see everyone again at Christmas.
I got lots of hugs today and my boss also gave me a beautiful card as well as a card that everyone in the store signed. They also gave me some wonderful giftcards that I'm so grateful for. I realllly hope that these wonderful people keep me updated on their lives because they should know by now I plan on asking!!! I wish I got pictures with a few others because there are so many sweet people. Like Natica and Kailyn are two people that I look up to so much. They are the reason I am a supervisor and why I felt so comfortable so quickly. Natica is the kind of person I want to be when I'm older, she is so amazing. Kailyn is just so sweet and took me under her wing so quickly. Mady (middle right photo... yah she is really that pretty) is so many things and I love her for them. Mady will tell you how it is and will listen to you complain and talk about anything. She has a hard outer shell but she is such a marshmallow (yes Veronica Mars reference there) inside. Mady is such a strong girl and has gone through so much. She also gives AMAZING hugs!  Amanda (top right) and I have a unusual relationship. She dated my brother for two years, a couple years back. As you can probably guess they are no longer together as I said dated not dating. (my brother is now dating a beautiful wonderful girl Marla who I absolutely love to pieces but I'll probably talk about her later) So Amanda and I stayed friends even after they broke up! She is such a sweetheart and a great person to get advice from. Matt (top left) can always make me smile and laugh. We can have such an intense conversation about Transformers or some other movie. Or we can be playing with nerf guns and almost hit him in the face. Justin (bottom right) is my buddy at work, he is just so funny to talk to! We always have quite interesting conversations. Whether its about the guys getting in fights or drunken nights or prom, its always fun! Now last but not least Miss Dalena! She is my little buddy! She is honestly the biggest sweetheart! Who is also super duper funny! I get so excited when I get to see her! We always have so much fun when we are together. We also still need to go to the movies because we still haven't done that and we said we would so long ago! (hint hint if she reads this) There are so many more wonderful people that I could go on forever about but I shall end this here by saying...
Thank you all for a wonderful year!!! 
SEE YOU SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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