Monday 27 October 2014

The men in my life...

So I've discovered something while here at school. University is not only a place for learning it's a place where people are obsessed with dating. When you talk to someone from home the typical questions are always asked:

  • Do you like your roommate?
  • Do you like the school?
  • What classes are you liking?
  • What do you do in your spare time?
  • How's school going?
  • Met any cute boys up there?
The last one always sneaks in. Now don't get me wrong it is a valid and important question. As a girl who has never been on a date or had a boyfriend, it's a question I get a lot. So sometimes when you're 18 and still have never been asked out you start to wonder.. why? Usually you think the right guy hasn't come along yet. Or I just haven't found my cowboy yet. But occasionally when you're down in the dumps you have those moments where you wonder, is there something wrong with me? Are my standards too high? 
These men look at you like you're perfectly unique and wonderful everyday. These men still love you even when you mess up and get the sander stuck up against a building. These men raised you to be the woman you are becoming. These men will always be there for you. These are my men. 

These are the men who picked me up when I scraped my knee. These are the men who taught me to skate, ski, and drive. These are the men who dug through garbage to find me that necklace that I loved. These are the men who I  could cuddle with when I had bad dreams. These men made me laugh when I wanted to cry. These are the men who took me fishing, camping, boating, four wheeling, shopping, basically anywhere I wanted to go. These are the men who would watch me dance around the living room for hours. These are the men who would help me with my science projects on pulleys. These are the men who came to my baseball and rugby game, my plays, my gems Sundays, everything I wanted them there for. These are the men who I had Friday lunch dates with during the summer.These are the men who would play duck duck goose with me every new years. These men always make me feel safe. These are the men who taught me to dance. These are the men who could never stay mad at me, who would fix all my mess ups. These men make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. These men, my men, are the best men I know. They are the reason I know I will find a guy who will love me for me. They are the reason I want to find a man who will marry me and love our children the way I am loved. These men are superheros. 

So thank you to all of the men in my life. 

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