Sunday 3 July 2016

My Voice

Since I can remember I have been told a few things...

  1. Don't be so loud.
  2. You're too bossy.
  3. Watch what you say.
  4. Don't talk so much.
  5. You have a big mouth.
If you haven't noticed they all have to do with my voice. Now  I am fully aware that I talk a lot and that I can be bossy. Personally it is something I struggle with daily. I don't regret much in my life but one thing I constantly find myself regretting or worrying about is what I said. So when people point it out to me or say one of the 5 things listed above I get defensive quite quickly. I have regrettably yelled at someone I love and made them cry because they told my number three. I have annoyed my family on trips and been told number one. I have been called a gossip and told number five. I have stopped talking to people because I was told number two. I have cried in anger after being told all 5. I feel like screaming when I hear these comments. People say them as if I have never notice this about myself. As if I don't constantly worry and hate this part of me. I have noticed, I do hate it and I am angry,

Did I say too much? Did I let something slip out that I either didn't mean or didn't want to say? Did I say something mean while tired? Was what I just said too bossy? Was I too loud? Did I annoy them? Did I say something I didn't mean to? Is that person mad at me over something I said? Should I not talk anymore? Was my opinion not wanted? Was what I said taken the wrong way? Does that person think bad of me now because of something I didn't mean to say? Should I have not said that?

My life is a constant battle between what my brain actually wants to say and what my big mouth blurts out. I am a person who truly loves who they are and their body. I love the parts of me that make me odd or unconventional. That being said the one thing I find myself wanting to change about myself is my voice. Not the sound of it (although I am among the many who hate how they sound on recordings.) But the volume of my voice. In both the sense of how loud I am and how much comes out of my mouth. I wish I was that person who thought over what they said before they said it. Most of the time I do really try to but than I get excited or uppity as I like to call it. Whether I'm excited, overtired, upset, angry, or any extreme emotion, my brain tells me to stop but my mouth doesn't listen. Half the time I am unaware of what I said. It won't be until the conversation is over or I'm going to bed that I will even consider how bad the things I said are. My brain is yelling "STOP! STOP!" and my mouth just won't listen. I can feel when I've said something I will regret but I just can't stop sometimes. 

That being said I do love that I'm passionate and that I'm chatty. It has both helped and hurt my life. I can be a leader because I am bossy. I can do public speaking because I am loud. I can talk to almost anyone because I don't know when to shut up. But I can also be perceived as a bitch because I am bossy. I can also be criticized and insulted because I am loud. I can be perceived as gossipy or mean because I can't shut up. 

So now you're probably thinking the same thing as I used to: "Hey Shania why don't you just talk less and be quieter? " 
 And you know what that is a really great thought and I've tried that but it lasted only until I got excited a couple of hours later. I have come to realize that it is part of my personality and it's not going anywhere. Just like some people have a bad temper, mumble or are pessimistic. I am stuck with the voice I have and I have to learn to deal with that. 

So as I am learning and working on this please forgive me for the many mistakes I will make. I will probably say the wrong thing, be too loud or not stop talking but I promise I am trying. For all those who in the past I have either hurt, annoyed or offended with my voice I apologize. I am working on it but it is really hard. Maybe someday  I will learn to embrace my voice and use it to benefit me. Maybe I won't be bossy, I'll be the boss. Maybe I'll command an audience with my words not the level of my voice. Maybe I'll ramble my way into an amazing opportunity. Maybe my voice will help my change the world but for now I'm just trying to make it through growing up with it. 

Monday 18 January 2016

Bye 2015 Hello 2016

So I know what you're thinking "Girl where have you been?" and that is totally fair. I haven't posted in forever and that really sucks. My only excuse is life. Life gets busy. But now I am back at school and have a bit more time on my hands to reflect on life and my thoughts! So lets start of slow with my first post back with a review of the year. 2015 was a pretty good year and a lot happened. Not as many big events come to mind as they did in 2014 but lets give this a try...

The year started off with me rockin' my "don't moose with me" onesie! Basically telling you it's gonna be a good year!!

In January my adorable parents took a well deserved vacation to Las Vegas! I can't think of anyone who deserved the vacation more. They work so hard and are the best people who will always help someone in need. 

I went to two semi formals with a great group of people!! Danced the night away and had so much fun!

 Ashleigh and Tyler got married and had a kick ass stag and doe!

In 2015 I spent a bunch of time with this weirdo! Couldn't ask for a better brother and friend. 

In April I finished my first year of university and moved out of my dorm room! Moving was not easy, saying I have a lot of stuff is an understatement! (Thanks mom and dad!!)

 I went to the second prom of my life and was transported back to the 70s and 80s! I busted up the dance floor with my Aunt Kim!! I was blessed to be my Auntie B's date to her first                                                          prom!!

Kristin and I turned 19 and enjoyed lots of                                                         laughs and ice cream!

Erika looked gorgeous at her prom!! Such a beauty inside and out!!

My summer project turned out amazing! I love how perfectly unique and imperfect it is. 

My incredible parents got me tickets to see Shania Twain and completed my life long dream!! Such a fun time with my cousin!
This kid graduated college!! Couldn't be more proud of him!

The Van Dusen's hosted our first annual Van Dusen Barn Dance!! And then decided it was so much fun the first time that we had to have another a month later!! Nights I will never forget!! (They also produced some amazing go pro videos!! "I don't even like alcohol!" 

This lucky crew got to meet Brett Kissel!

 Meisje turned 6! and Opa turned 84? (83 or 84 I think... who knows he doesn't look a day over 25)

My most memorable purchase was made summer of 2015. I bought My very first truck and named
him Alan! Alan and I are having wonderful adventures and a great ol' time!! 

WAYYY TOO MANY FUN AND MEMORABLE THINGS HAPPENED OVER SUMMER 2015. SO Here's a few pictures from some amazing times with even more amazing people! Thanks for all the laughs and memories! Here's to the days and nights that we captured the fun in photos and the ones we didn't.

 Isn't she adorable!! #lovemesomedanielle

 How friggen cute are they!!

He's a special one!

Our road trip in Alan to take me back to Orillia to start my second year!! (By the time I graduate mom and dad are going to be SOOOO done with moving me!! )
I moved in with these cuties!
I was an orientation leader for the incoming first years and it was one of the best experiences. I can't wait to do it again!

 I had some wonderful times with this odd ball! Such a cutie!! We had so many fun adventures.. one which landed us in the little town of Rugby... doing an impromptu photoshoot and learning about the history of the cutest little place. 

In October we braved the cold and extreme hunger we had (should have eaten before) to walk through Fort Fright! I got chased my a chainsaw, Mitch got scared by people who weren't even working there, Johnny decided "It wasn't even scary... but No NEVER AGAIN". We found out daddy and I are the two in the family who love being scared!!

I finally fulfilled another one of my dreams when I was Sandy from Grease!! Such a fun night, even though I was beyond sick with a cold!! Didn't even make it half way through Hocus Pocus.. :(

Christmas was amazing!!! From Christmas parties to just watching netflix with mommy and daddy! Best break from school!

 I couldn't happier for them!! CONGRATS!!! Now I can officially call you Aunt Kim (even though I have been for years!!)
Lastly I rang in 2016 with this cutie! What a night it was!! Thanks to everyone who made 2015 special and can't wait to see what happens in 2016!!
Wow was I ever wrong about not many big events happening!! Don't realize how much happens in a year till you go back through it!