Wednesday 16 September 2015

God's Roadblocks and His Plan

Today I decided to go for a hike even though no one wanted to go with me. I think it was one of the best decisions I have made this week. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I got to pet a beautiful dog, making me miss my puppy even more. The forest was wonderfully quiet and peaceful that it let me think and talk to God. I am amazed by the beauty he creates everyday. The way the sun shines through the trees onto a lonely bridge is breathtaking and could only be created by someone as powerful as God. I started to think about how God had meant for me to be hiking by myself. He meant for me to find a perfect little bench where I can study. He meant for me to feel in touch with nature and at peace. This lead to me thinking about times when God purposely did things that went against my plan. How upset I could get about my plans not working out exactly how I planned them. This is so silly considering God is the only one who really has a plan for my life. I must make him laugh daily with my plans. I remember last year about a couple months into school I had chosen the tattoo I wanted. I was so upset and irritated that things kept coming up not allowing me to be able to get my tattoo. Now I think about it and I would have totally regretted getting it. I think now that what I wanted to get permanently on my body was unrealistic and not something I would love ten years down the road. God kept putting up road blocks so I wouldn't make the mistake of getting that tattoo. Don't get me wrong I want one, but now I trust that when I have the right one He will let it happen. It's funny how much God stops us from doing the wrong thing or make a mistake and we are angry that we were stopped. We have to remember He has a plan for each of ours lives and we have no idea what's in store for us. It is a reminder I know I personally could use quite often.

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