Tuesday 14 March 2017

Your People

People teach you many things as you grow up and you get a lot of advice when leaving home. I think the most important advice I could ever give someone starting somewhere new is to find your people. As I move into my final years of university I get asked more and more about my advice for incoming students and people considering what to do after high school. It is crazy to think that I am now considered someone who would have valuable advice. So here is my advice for anyone starting something new like high school, college, a new job or even moving to a new city...

Find your people. Know who your people are. I promise you, you will need them. No matter where you are, what you're doing or what point you are at in your life... you should never doing any of it on your own. You need to surround yourself with people. 

Especially in something like university, it's the people who will get you through it.The ones close and far, they get you through. When I walk across that stage, there is no way I would be there without a handful of amazing people. I can promise you years down the road I will forget many things about my time at Lakehead, but I won't ever forget the people who helped me and made my time special. 

The reason I think this advice is so important to people starting something like university is because I can guarantee you there will be a point where you need your people. There will be that day when you know you should have stayed in bed. The day where nothing can go right and you're mad at the world. The day when you are sitting alone in a car crying out of frustration and anger. The day will come when you consider quitting, throwing everything away and running. That day will come and it will SUCK. I feel like this is the part people don't tend to tell those starting out. People talk about college and university as an incredible life changing time. And yes, it is, but it also sucks sometimes and is really hard. Juggling everything can push you further than you thought you could go. You will have bad days, like REALLY bad days. Those are the days that you will realize just how much you need your people. 

On those days it can be as simple as a perfectly timed card in the mail from a friend or a funny video from your ride or die. It could be the person you call and just swear like a sailor to.It could be the person who just looks at you and knows you need a hug. It could be your mom who you call a million different times, cry to and get the Bible reminders you need. It could be your roommate that just has a drink with you while making dinner. It could be the person who sends you funny pictures to make you smile. THOSE PEOPLE, YOUR PEOPLE are the ones that make getting out of bed every morning worth it. 

So to all my people, you know who you are, thank you so much. I don't know where I would be without you. You make bad days bearable and good days amazing! You all will never know how much you mean to me.  I will never be able to thank you enough for all you do and for making me who I am. 

I'll end this post on the theme song lyrics from a show I watch a lot while in university. 

I can't do this all on my own, no I know, I'm no superman.