Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Pros and Cons of Being a Student

This December I officially finished half of my university career. I finished 5 semesters and have 5 to go. This seems absolutely unbelievable to me. It feels like I just started and was incredibly nervous and excited. It seems like just yesterday I met one of my best friends and now we've been basically inseparable for over 2 years. I can still remember hugging my parents goodbye and sitting in the big lecture hall for the first time. Being a student comes with several benefits and drawbacks. Some of the cons to being a student are pretty obvious. 

  • You are away from home
  • You have SO MUCH homework
  • When you go home from a full day of classes you still have work to do
  • Some professors don't care 
  • You have to balance social lives, school work and other obligations
  • The pressure put on students is crazy
  • Student debt. Money. Expenses.
  • When you aren't in school, like in the summer, you have to work hard to pay for the next year
  • You have to live with roommate and be responsible
  • Your mom is no where near you when you're sick
That last point is one that I think sucks the most. Who wants to be sick and have to cook for yourself. There are many other drawbacks but the positives will always outweigh the cons in my opinion. 
  • You are completely responsible for yourself (it's both a pro and con)
  • You can watch so much Netflix
  • You meet new people (hopefully some wonderful ones)
  • You get to be independent and live anyway you'd like
  • Weekends and some week nights can be super fun!
  • There are so many new experiences
  • Universities often have really sweet events (HELLO SNOW TUBING)
  • Some professors really care
  • You are given the opportunity to learn
To me the best parts of university are the people you meet and the opportunities you have to learn. University is a place of education, whether formal or informal. You have the opportunity to learn anything you want. If you don't like the major you began with, switch. You are required to take a variety of electives, you may find a new passion or interest. Schools often have extra workshops to teach you different things. Most universities come with a gym membership and with those memberships you could take any classes to learn new skills. Schools often have many clubs that you could gain knowledge from. The education you gain from university will be much more than just what you get your degree in.The people you meet can be the ones you learn the most from. I think the most beneficial thing I've learned while in university are the opportunities that are out there. I have learned so much from Professors about the opportunities out there. Professors will often tell you about their past experiences and what opportunities you can have. I have learned about jobs and travel opportunities that I had never heard of before. In high school, you are rarely told about all the careers that are possible. We are often told about the basic, common professions. Professors have most likely had a handful or career experiences that you've never heard of. 

I personally have learned so many things since I started university that I know I will never forget. Since starting university I have learned about psychology, media, philosophy, education techniques and many other formal subjects. But I have also learned how to play pickle ball, knitting, cooking, laundry, yoga, drinking games, video editing, rollerblading, and so much more. This year I'm also hoping to learn to snowboard, embroidery, and a new language. 

Nelson Mandela once said "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." So many people are afraid of admitting they don't know something that they miss the opportunity to learn something new. It is amazing to think that our brains are capable of learning basically anything. If you want to cure a disease, you do research and gain knowledge about it. If you want to stop global warming, you research patterns and history. If you want to get healthy, you learn new exercises and health information. If you want to learn a new language, you can take a class or lesson. Anything in the world that you want to change, you must first get a solid education about it. Remember it is never too late to learn something new. I've taken several classes about the capabilities of the brain and it is unbelievable what it can do. It is never too late to learn a new skill or subject. The first step is to want to learn, the second is to ask questions and than repeat the steps until you've learned something new.