Wednesday 27 May 2015


Only 4% of women in the world see themselves as beautiful. FOUR. How sad is that? Lately the topics of weight, clothing and beauty have been on my mind. In the past weeks I have seen and talked to women in my life about these topics. Whether they come right out and say it or imply it, it comes across that they don't see how truly beautiful they are. Now, yes I may be biased but trust me they are beautiful.

Being a young women with a bit of extra weight can be hard. Heck, being a women can be hard. Lately I have realized just how lucky I am for the personal view I have. I have seen a beautiful women wear layers of clothing on a hot day because she doesn't feel pretty in shorts and a t-shirt. That for me is hard to understand, I have always dressed for weather first. If I want to wear shorts, I wear them. I have seen another beautiful women not see how perfect her figure is. Women have so many people telling them how they have to look. The idea of how you should dress stops you from how you want to dress. I have been told that my shirt that shows off some of my stomach is too small. I have been told that I shouldn't wear a bikini because I have extra weight. I have been told so many things about how I look and dress. Oddly enough I don't care. I wear what I feel pretty and comfortable in. I dress for me and no one else. People may not like how I dress or think its right but it's not their body, it's mine.

I will admit it, yes I want to lose some weight. Is it so I can be skinny and beautiful? No, I AM beautiful. Is it so I can fit in my clothes better? Yes. Is it because I want to be healthier? Yeah it is. I want to be able to do whatever life brings me. Some people think they should lose weight to be someone else's idea of beautiful or acceptable. Some people say they will dress how they want when they lose some weight, No matter how much weight you lose, you will always find something wrong with yourself. You have to learn to love yourself no matter what. Don't ever lose weight for someone else, don't ever change you for someone else. Do it for you.

The women in my life are beautiful. I don't think they see themselves how I see them; I really wish they did. It is hard to describe just how beautiful they are, but i'll try, My grandmother has the gentlest heart, loving eyes and the most infectious laugh. She is so beautiful. My cousin has the best humor and is so young at heart. Her just being in the same room as me makes me instantly happier. The look she gets when she looks at her husband is amazing. You can tell how much love she has in her heart. She is so very beautiful. And my mom, my favourite person in the whole world. She is so beautiful. She is drop dead gorgeous! She has the biggest heart I know and the best smile. When she is having fun, she is just so beautiful.

As you can tell beauty is more than just skin deep. It comes from within. Women are most beautiful when they are being themselves with people they love. So wear what you want and be who you are. Women have so many people telling them who they should be and what they should look like. Not everyone will find you beautiful, but I promise you someone will. So wear whatever you want. Lose weight for you, if you want to. You only have this one life, why spend it being how others want you to be and not how you want to be. Don't wait for someone else to tell you you're beautiful; wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and tell yourself. And if others don't like it, screw 'em. You do you boo, you do you!