Friday 6 March 2015

I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

Okay so I have no idea why I want to spend my Friday night writing, after I just spent 10 hours researching and writing a paper. (Which is DONE!!) Yet, here I am sitting in bed, typing. It might be because I finished my paper, finished my workout and feel on top of the world. But hey I say when you feel like writing, write.

This may be because I have just spent 10 hours researching and writing about women's rights and why men should get involved in gender equality. But it is still very true....

Women are amazing, magical creatures!

Okay all you men out there don't think I'm forgetting about how undeniably awesome you are but you got to admit women are AMAZING. I honestly do not believe women are better than men. I truly believe men are amazing magical creatures too. Like the sixteen year old young man in Kenya who started a whole campaign when he noticed the number of girls in his class decreasing. His campaign is called ‘Keeping Girls in School’. When talking to his female classmates he discovered that they were missing school due to their periods. The young women were unable to afford sanitary towels and were embarrassed to attend school without them. The young women missed great amounts of school, and fell behind in class. This eventually resulting in them dropping out. ‘Keeping Girls in School’ raises money to provide free sanitary towels to young women so they don’t miss school. Within one month of providing towels, the girl’s grades were increasing significantly and in some cases surpassing their male classmates. Now isn't that an amazing young man! A marine competing in a race, came in last to help a young boy who got separated from his group. A young boy probably around 12-13 catches the ball during a baseball game and is extremely excited. He runs to show his friends and dad. Than he stops when he see a younger boy who was trying to catch the ball too looking really disappointed. The younger boy was simply to little to compete with the older boys trying to catch the ball. The boy who caught the ball quickly left his friends and dad to go and hand the ball to the little boy, leaving the biggest smile on the young boy's face. Really you don't have to go far to find a story of an amazing man. 

Now, onto those magical creatures I mentioned before...

Women are absolutely amazing, just stop and think about it for a second they are amazing. Women can make a CHILD and carry them for 9 months and GIVE BIRTH. Already women are amazing. Women can tell their best friend how much they love and appreciate them and act all relationshippy without it being weird. (yes i'm talking about you Kay) Women can toss on a dress and look fancy in seconds! Women can multitask like it's nobody's business. Women's intuition.   There are so many wonderful amazing things about women, and so many amazing women out there. So let's give out a few "You go girl"s to some amazing wonderful women who enforce that females are in fact majestic creatures. 

Malala Yousafzai : Seventeen year old who was kidnapped while on a school bus, got shot in the head and lived. Not only did she live she spoke out. She talked about the importance of feminism and education. She is the youngest person to ever win the Noble Peace prize. When she was asked what she would do next she said study for her chemistry test because school doesn't stop for Noble Peace prizes.   YOU GO GIRL!

Queen Elizabeth: Well first she is a QUEEN! Second she handles herself with such grace. She is amazing. She is also the longest serving monarch!(she must be pushing 100 soon, but still looks great!) YOU GO QUEENY!
Sarah Reilly: My freakin' awesome cousin who flawlessly takes care of her three year old and one year old twins. If you have ever watched her take them into a store or anyplace for that fact, it is truly amazing! YOU GO GIRL!
Hillary Clinton: While I may not agree with everything she stands for, I do applaud her. She decided when she was little she wanted to be in government and when someone told her women couldn't she said 'watch me'. She deals with people criticizing her outfits and personal life in ways they never would the male candidates. YOU GO GIRL!
Ellen DeGeneres: She is so caring and funny. She gives to people that truly deserve it and need it. She has an extremely long running successful talk show. She helps out with animal shelters! YOU GO ELLEN!!
Michelle Obama: She is trying to make America and healthier, better place to live. And she looks flawless while doing it! She also went to both Princeton and Harvard. She is not just the president's wife. She is also super witty, which I love. YOU GO MRS. OBAMA!
J.K. Rolling: She wrote one of the most well known series. She wrote her first book as a struggling single mother trying to make ends meet and now has a whole series of movies and books. She also created Ron Weasley, and the twins who I personally love! YOU GO GIRL!
Miss Sherri: If you do not know Miss Sherri, she is a super sweet lady up the road from my house. She has done so much for her church community and is such a sweet, caring lady. She is super special! YOU GO MISS SHERRI!!!
Tamera Mowry-Housley: Not only did she stay completely grounded throughout her whole career as a child star, she made a name for herself. She is a caring mother and christian. She has overcome insecurities and is a very well rounded person. YOU GO GIRL!!
Beyonce: Queen Bey. She speaks out for gender equality, race equality and so much more. She is active participant in the government. She is a role model for many young girls. She is a strong independent woman. She has a sense of bad-ass-ry while still being classy. She does not need to bring other women (or men) down to build herself up. YOU GO QUEEN BEY!

There are so many more I could go on and on about. My gramma that raised three kids and helped start a business. My mom who dropped everything to help the family business and juggled owning her own business and raising kids. My aunt who inspires me to be creative and kind. My other aunt that shows me fun does not stop because you age. My other other aunt who showed me you can start over and be happy. My cousin who is caring for people and still can be a big kid. My friend who showed me to stick with something you love, even if you have to sit on the bench for a while. The lady at the grocery store who is always in a good mood and remembers so many customer's names. I could go on and on because I know so many wonderful, inspiring women but it's almost 1am and I am super tired.

All of these women are women who should be applauded. These women are extremely inspiring for a young lady like myself. I like living in a world knowing that power, independent, strong women are surrounding me. So any time you think you can't do something or don't want to get out of bed, remember you are amazing. You are woman, hear you roar!